Remote Techical Support

Many simple fixes can be as simple as a remote session. Couple clicks here and there and we will have you all fixed up.

About this service

Our remote services are best for minor issues if you are at home or on the road and need fast quick repairs to software or problems related to your needs. As long as you have an Internet connection our team of skilled individualsĀ can help.

Simple Fixes

We get it! Some times things just go sideways and you just need a helping hand. If your computer functions and has access to the internet we generally like to offer a remote session before seeing you to see if we can resolve the issue without the need to unhook all your equipment and bring it in.

Getting setup for a remote session is as simple as giving us a call and we will walk you through the process.

Our remote support sessions are not only available in Chilliwack, Sardis,Yarrow, Abbotsford and Hope, they are available in all of BC and the rest of Canada.