Virus & Malware Removal

We offer Virus and Malware removal services in Chilliwack, Sardis, Rosedale, Agassiz, Yarrow and Hope. Some Virus and Malware removals can be done remotely.

About this service

We utilize the very latest anti virus and removal tools.  We check your system top to bottom for any signs of infection and go beyond just removing the software causing the issues.  After virus removal our professional staff ensures you have adequate precautions in place to help prevent reinfection.  In short, we not only remove the symptoms, but also make sure you are as protected from reinfection as possible.  You can expect longer lasting security with less chance of reinfection and no need to bring your computer to the shop every few months.  Some of our software installs last 5 years without major servicing, but we recommend a check up every 6 months.

Virus Removal & Malware Removal

Our technicians test your hard drive for integrity, stability and performance.  We ensure that all work done is on a hard drive that is certified in order to help you minimize risk of loosing all those years of pictures, documents, emails and other important data.  We can also provide you with access to backup services to help protect your valuable data in case of theft or fire.

Spyware Removal

Computers can have spyware running in the background, without your knowledge.  Spyware can track the websites you visit, log every keyboard stroke, take pictures and video through your webcam and use all this information to take advantage of you and your family members or even business.  Sounds scary and it is unfortunately true – many predators are online as it is hard to trace their locations without much investment, and this has turned the internet into a fertile breeding ground for some of the most malicious people and organizations on our planet.  Most people and companies prefer to enjoy the wealth of information and multimedia, as well as sharing it – the internet is the best for this and we can ensure that you get the most benefit while lowering the risk of intrusion of your privacy.  We have both hardware and software to help you achieve the best security online and keep you, your family and business safe.